07. SQLAlchemy ORM

SQLAlchemy ORM Heading

SQLAlchemy ORM

ND004 C01 L03 07 SQLAlchemy ORM

SQLAlchemy ORM Recap


SQLAlchemy ORM

  • Lets you compose SQL expressions by mapping python classes of objects to tables in the database
  • Is the highest layer of abstraction in SQLALchemy.
  • Wraps the SQL Expressions and Engine to work together to interact with the database
  • Will be used in this course, so we can know how to use ORM libraries in general.

Moreover, SQLAlchemy is split into two libraries:

  • SQLAlchemy Core
  • SQLAlchemy ORM (Object Relational Mapping library). SQLALchemy ORM is offered as an optional library, so you don't have to use the ORM in order to use the rest of SQLAlchemy.
    • The ORM uses the Core library inside
    • The ORM lets you map from the database schema to the application's Python objects
    • The ORM persists objects into corresponding database tables

SQLAlchemy Layers of Abstraction Overview (Diagram)


Below are some of SQLAlchemy's layers of abstraction—can you match the description with the name?



Which layer of abstraction?

The engine layer

The ORM layer

The dialect layer

The SQL expressions layer

The connection pool layer



Which layer of abstraction?

The engine layer

The ORM layer

The dialect layer

The SQL expressions layer

The connection pool layer